Twitter Growth for Developers
A guide for growing on Twitter as a developer, aiming for sustainable growth while sharing your developer journey.
Learn from a first-hand experience of a developer growing a Twitter account to +40,000 followers.
Hi, I'm Dan. I'm a self-taught designer/developer who runs a handful of SaaS products.
After steadily and sustainably—no viral growth hacks here—gaining over 36,000+ followers during the past two years, this guide is my effort to help other developers like you find a larger following on Twitter.
A larger Twitter following will unlock opportunities for your career and products and should make your life better.
I now live off and support my family with businesses I've started, shared and grown on Twitter.
If you earn $8,000 from Twitter after implementing this guide, you would 100x your investment.
Once you earn over $100,000 like I have from Twitter-related business, your ROI from this course would be over 1,000x. No brainer.

What's included
The guide
Seven chapters covering everything from understanding how Twitter works (like how engagements affect your reach), to methods for finding more people to join your audience, developer-specific content ideas, how to easily track your growth and monetisation ideas for your account.
- Introduction
- Understanding Twitter
- Content for developers
- How to grow on Twitter
- Monetise and utilise your Twitter audience
- How to measure everything on Twitter
- Tools for creating and managing content
The guide is hosted online, powered by Ghost, allowing you lifetime access to the content. The guide is “living” and will be updated over time.
The community
You can join the optional TGfD Twitter Community exclusively for customers of the guide, where we can discuss growth, tips, wins, failures all together... in our own private space on Twitter!
(This is included in the guide price, or you can pay only for community access.)
Discount for
Every customer of the guide will get 20% off my Twitter analytics product to give you some really useful Twitter tools as you grow your account.
Who is this for?
This guide is aimed at anyone who wants to grow Twitter. You don't need to be a developer to be able to apply the concepts and ideas within the content.
If you are a developer, there are many tips and developer-specific ideas for growing your Twitter account, and then ways to monetise your audience later on or unlock opportunities to improve your career.
This guide is for anyone at any size but it will be most useful for accounts under 10k followers.
This guide is for you if you are any of the following:
Indie developer working on side projects or their indie businesses
Developer wanting to improve their careers
Developer who wants to increase their authority
Developer who wants to sell more digital products
Employees who want to break free and work full-time on their side projects
Developer who wants to supplement coding by publishing more content
(I've been all of these!)
How much is the guide?
The first 50 customers got the guide for $49, with the option to watch me write the content live in Notion.
The regular price for lifetime access to the guide and Twitter community is $49 (on sale from $79).
You can buy the guide, access to the community and a 30 minute call with Dan to go over your Twitter account and strategy for $199.
About Dan
I'm Dan Rowden
I'm a designer and developer who joined Twitter early, in 2006.
You can view my Twitter profile at
After gaining 4,000 followers in my first 14 years on Twitter, I've gained over 36,000 in the last two years since going all-in and openly sharing my developer journey.
This has ended up with hundreds of new customers for my products plus countless opportunities and connections around the world.
I now support my family from the products I've created and marketed through Twitter 🥳
The best part is:
👉 You can do this too (I'm not special).
This guide lets me share my lessons and tips so you can do the same with your own Twitter account.
The idea is steady, sustainable growth (see my monthly charts) rather than quick viral hacks.
You should come away with plenty of ideas and plans to apply to your own account, and methods to increase your reach and follow potential.
(Although targeted at developers, the information has been curated and written so that it can be applied to any niche.)
I've been working with millions of data points and thousands of Twitter accounts through my Twitter analytics platform since July 2020, and I'll be bringing some my learnings from this into the content, too.
Twitter Growth for Developers
- Introduction
- Understanding Twitter
- Content for developers
- How to grow on Twitter
- Monetise and utilise your Twitter audience
- How to measure everything on Twitter
- Tools for creating and managing content