3. Content for developers
As a developer who wants to get a bigger Twitter audience, your content will be what attracts new followers and keeps followers around.
(By the way, if you’re not a developer, you can take this section and apply it to your own industry. The core concepts are the same.)
There are many things you can post on Twitter, but I'm going to give you an overview of the types of content I post (plus a bonus one that I don't!), with some great examples of them working well.
This section should help inspire what you can and should be posting on Twitter. You should try out different content types to see how your audience reacts to each one. Measure engagement and reach, then iterate.
Luckily, Twitter is a great place to experiment with content, as each tweet is somewhat “throwaway-able”. Tweet lifetimes (as in, how long they will appear prominently on timelines) is so short.
Build, fail, and win in public.
— Tim Stoddart (@TimStodz) June 6, 2022
I promise you, it's not as scary as it sounds.
Most people aren't even paying attention.
By sharing knowledge and proving yourself with the tech that you use day-to-day, you should be able to turn content into paying customers and clients. For example, if you're a React developer and show how you're skilled and knowledgable (even by just sharing basic code tips) you'll likely lodge yourself into your followers' brains as a "React guy".
Over time this will compound and eventually you'll create paying leads out of thin air. Not from single tweets, but from a longer time period posting regularly about certain tech or development topics.
As a developer, posting development-related tweets can be an especially lucrative gold mine.
But what content should you post? Let's dive in...
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